
Mellor Mill: Mowing - Painting - Strimming - Weeding aka (Mill TLC)

Weeding Party“They think it’s all over, some people are…...Well it is now"

Not so! Mellor mill built at the cusp of the industrial revolution enters into another period of transition, another cusp. Following the culmination of excavations and landscaping, another phase of mill’s life is to begin. Becoming the central attraction in the Mellor Mill Heritage Park, a role that will be played over the next twenty five years or so that lie ahead, this will be the legacy stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund Award.

The first tentative steps into this new era have included a couple recent ‘parties’. One devoted to a initial camouflage painting of the site cabins (work in progress) the other weeding and grass cutting. A task that in summer is akin to Forth Bridge painting, as all gardeners know only to well.

Photos: Bob Humphrey-Taylor and Arthur Procter