
Bancroft Mill Visit -Sunday 24th March 2019

Barnoldswick mill

A really successful trip was taken today to the Bancroft Mill in Barnoldswick.
The mill stopped production in 1978 and was subsequently demolished. However, the engine house, chimney and boilers have been preserved and maintained as a museum. The engine is very similar to the on which was installed at Mellor Mill.
8 members of Mellor Archaeological Trust visited today to witness the engines in steam.

A credit to all the volunteersworking there.


Further reading

Bancroft Mill Engine Trust is an independent registered charity. It was formed in 1980 to preserve the industrial heritage of the last working steam mill engine in the area.

Bancroft is a working museum open to the public with free entry most Saturdays throughout the year from 11-3pm. Guided tours are normally Saturdays depending on the avaialbility of volunteers. There is no fixed charge for these but would ask you to make a modest donation to the Trust. Alternatively you may conduct yourselves around the site. The museum is also open and the engine in steam between 1pm and 3.45pm on many Sundays from March through to early December when tours also operate. Check the link to Steaming days for the full list. more

and viewing !

Bancroft Mill Engine, Barnoldswick, Lancashire

Bancroft Mill Steaming Day 18 August 2013