
The first volunteers weekend at the Wellington Wheel Pit will be 3/4 September.   I know this clashes with the Moor End to Marple Bridge exhibition but I would expect people to be sensible and take time out to tour that as well.  I am concerned that the timescale for this phase of the Mellor Mill project is quite short and we need to move on with it.  I propose 9am to 4pm on the Saturday and the Sunday.

I am meeting Brian Pendlebury from the Youth Offenders Scheme on Thursday at 10am and I hope that will give me another workforce to tackle the spoil heap in September.

All the volunteers I have spoken to have been told that they will need to complete a Manual Handling Course (2 hrs at most) to comply with our insurers.  This will be run on both the Saturday morning and the Sunday morning from 10am - 12pm

I would like all volunteers to be sent an email of the HSE pdf file on Manual Handling and a request that they read it before coming to the dig.  A prior understanding will cut down the time spent instructing.   I will keep a register of attendees and issue individual MAT certificates as requested by our insurers.  I am attaching the HSE pdf so that it can be sent out as we get volunteers.

We seem to be doing quite well with volunteers and I think we will be able to move the project on to  a point where the public can view the pit and understand its story.